How much does 1m3 of gravel weigh? | weight of gravel per m3 | what is the weight of 1 cubic meter of gravel.

Gravel is consist of fine to coarser aggregate formed of different size 10mm, 20mm, 40mm, and some are pea sizes gravel, others are pebbles. It is categorised as per shape and size.
Most common size of gravel or aggregate which are used in construction are as fine gravel (4- 8 mm), medium gravel (8- 16 mm), coarse gravel (16- 32 mm), pebbles (32- 64 mm), cobbles (64 – 256 mm) and Boulder more than 256mm.
Gravel or coarse aggregate is one of the most important construction material required in every civil construction work, for landscaping projects, gravel rods, its required for fill the excavation area, used as backfills, required for preparing the concrete mix, it will be in round or oval, angular, pea size shaped gravel.
Gravel quantity measured in three units- volume, mass and density. Volume of gravel quantity measured in cubic meter, cubic feet, cubic yard, and litre and others local available measuring units. Mass of gravel measured in metric unit kilogram and US or Imperial unit Pound.
Density of gravel is unit weight define by mass by volume, measured in kg/m3, pound/ cubic yard, kg/ cubic feet, pound per cubic feet. In this article we know about how much does 1m3 of gravel weigh? | weight of gravel per m3.
Weight of gravel depends on the size of gravel, rocks type igneous or metamorphic, loose and dense condition, compact, moisture content, dry and wet condition, others inorganic mixed in the gravel.
On average, a cubic yard of gravel, which visually is 3 feet long by 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall, can weigh approximately 3,000 pounds or 1.5 US tons.
On average, a cubic meter of gravel, which visually is 1 meter long by 1 meter wide by 1 meter tall, can weigh approximately 1680 kg or 1.68 tonnes or mt.
On average, a cubic foot of gravel, which visually is 1 feet long by 1 feet wide by 1 feet tall, can weigh approximately 110 pounds or 0.055 US tons.
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How much does 1m3 of gravel weigh?
The bulk density of different types of aggregate their value is not fixed but it depends on handling how you can handle the aggregate. So, density of aggregate is not fix but it ranging between 1420 kg/m3 to 1680 kg/m3.
Weight of aggregate in kilogram depends on density of aggregate and size of aggregate. Lesser dimension of aggregate have high density due to less presence of air voids & higher dimension of aggregate have lower density.
A cubic meter of typical gravel weighs range between 1,400 kg to 1,680 kg, which is equivalent to 1.4 to 1.68 tonnes. 1m3 of 20mm size of gravel weighs about 1,550 kg. 1m3 of 40mm size of gravel weighs about 1,450 kg. 1m3 of 10mm size of gravel weighs about 1,680 kg. 1m3 of pebbles weighs about 1,400kg.
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● How much does a cubic meter of gravel cover?
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A cubic meter (1m3) of typical gravel weighs about 1,680kg, or 1.68 tonnes. A square meter of gravel with a depth of 50mm weighs about 84 kg or 0.084 tonnes.