How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:4 | number of cement bag required for 1m3 concrete.

Cement is binder or adhesive materials used to form concrete paste by mixing of sand, gravel, water and other approved in gradients. Sand in concrete acts as filler and gravel as strengthener materials. Common bag of cement is ordinary Portland cement of 50kg in weight. If you want to start new projects, it is better to know about how much cement quantity or how many cement bags required to make 1m3 concrete.
Amount of cement required for 1m3 concrete will depend on concrete mix ratio, type of concrete structure and compressive strength of concrete.
General concrete mix ratio is 1:2:4, in which 1 part of cement mix to 2 parts of sand to 4 parts of gravel. This concrete mix ratio allow to gain good compressive strength of 150 kg/cm^2.
Concrete used for construction of residential, commercial and industrial structure, several projects like bridge, dams, reservoir, Highway Roadways driveway, french drainage system, patio, tunnels, base for retaining walls, drain construction, pavement, road, street, walkaway, and used for slab etc.
In this article we know about how many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:4, this will help you in better understanding in estimate making for how many bags of cement required for 1m3 concrete by mixing of 1 volume of cement by 2 volume of sand by 4 volume of gravel and 160L of water.
To prepare 1m3 of concrete you would need about 1.54 m3 of dry mix of concrete. For converting Wet volume of concrete to Dry volume of material mix we multiply it by 1.54. From where 1.54 come, concrete is mixture of cement, fine aggregate, course aggregate and water. When water is poured in cement and aggregate mixture the volume of dry mixture is reduced to some extent. Percentage of voids due to fine aggregate = 20%, percentage of voids due to course aggregate = 32 %, loss of cement 2%, so, total void percentage = 54%.
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How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:4
We have concrete mix ratio 1:2:4 (1 part cement to 2 parts sand mix to 4 parts gravel). Add all the volume to know the total volume = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7, proportion of cement = 1/7 of volume, proportion of sand = 2/7 of volume, proportion of gravel = 4/7 of volume.
Consider, Wet volume = 1 m3, so, dry volume = 1m3 × 1.54 = 1.54m3 concrete (it is increased by 54%).
1) Cement quantity:- Quantity of cement in Cubic metre = 1 x 1.54 / 7 = 0.22 m3, quantity of cement in kg = 0.22 × 1440 = 317 kg (Density of cement = 1440 kg/ m3). Number of cement bags required = 317/50 = 6.4 bags.
2) Sand quantity: quantity of sand in Cubic metre = 2/7 x 1.54 = 0.44 m3, quantity of sand in kg = 0.44× 1600 = 704 kg, (density of sand = 1600 kg/ m3)
3) gravel quantity: quantity of gravel in Cubic metre = 4/7 x 1.54 = 0.88 m3, quantity of gravel in kg = 0.88 x 1680 = 1480 kg (Density of gravel = 1680 kg/ m3).
4) Water quantity: water cement ratio is 0.5, so water quantity = 316× 0.5 = 160 Litres.
6.4 bags of 50 kg cement (total 316 kg, or 0.22m3), 0.44 m3 of sand (total 704 kg), 0.88 m3 of gravel quantity (total 1480 kg), and 160 Litres of water are required to make 1m3 concrete by taking 1:2:4 mix.
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6.4 bags of 50 kg of portland cement (total 316 kg, or 0.22m3) are required to make 1m3 of concrete by taking 1:2:4 mix (1 volume cement to 2 volume to sand to 4 volume gravel).