How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:3 | how many 50kg bags of cement required for 1m3 of concrete | how much cement required for one cubic meter of concrete.

Mixture of Portland cement, sand, gravel (aggregate), water with approved ingredients are used to form concrete paste. Water/ cement ratio plays important role in increasing or decreasing compressive strength of concrete. It is inversely proportional to concrete strength.
Adding more amount of water in concrete mix, increases its workability, but more water also increases the potential for segregation and settling of coarse aggregate particles or gravel, leads to increase bleeding, drying shrinkage and cracking and decreasing the compressive strength and durability.
The minimum water to cement ratio required for hydration of concrete mix should be 0.28. Any additional water is water of convenience. Adding less amount of water, decrease the workability and enhance compressive strength and durability.
Cement building material is mainly used as a binder or adhesive in concrete, which binds sand and aggregate. It is a basic material used for all types of construction, including housing, roads, bridge, dams, schools, hospitals, dams and ports, as well as for decorative applications for patios, ramp, floors, staircases, driveways, and pool decks.
Aggregate materials help to make concrete mixes more compact and increases the compressive strength. It also decrease the consumption of portland cement and water and contribute to increase the mechanical strength of the concrete.
Sand acts as filler material in concrete mix, it fill the gap between sand and aggregate and remove air voids. Sand along with water bind the mix, key to mixing, setting, laying, and hardening concrete.
In this article we know about “how many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:3”. Generally a bag or sac of Portland cement weighs about 50kg. 1:2:3 proportion in concrete means one part of Portland cement mix to two parts of sand to 3 parts of aggregate.
Let’s know about dry and wet volume of concrete, your given 1m3 of concrete is wet volume. For converting wet volume of concrete to dry volume of material mix we multiply it by 1.54. From where 1.54 will come come, when water is poured in cement, sand and aggregate mixture the volume of dry mixture is reduced to some extent. % of voids due to fine aggregate is about 20%, % of voids due to course aggregate is about 34%, so total void percentage is about 54%.
As per calculation, we have to add 54% extra to get the dry volume of the concrete. So, dry volume of concrete for 1m3 would be 1.54m3 (dry volume = 1m3 of wet concrete + 54% of wet concrete volume = 1.54m3.
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How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:2:3
Concrete mix ratio 1:2:3 (1 cement : 2 sand : 3 aggregate) yields compressive strength of 3000 Psi. So, this concrete mix categorised as 3000 Psi grade of concrete. 3000 Psi is stands for Pound square inches, concrete mix and numerical figure 3000 describe about compressive characteristics strength measured in Pound square inches.
To calculate number of bags of cement required to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio, simply add all the ratio of concrete mix, divide 1.54m3 by total proportion of cement (1/6) to get required cubic meters of cement. Multiply cubic meter of cement by 1440 (density of cement) to get total amount of cement in kilograms. Divide the amount of cement in kg by 50 to get number of cement bags to make 1m3 of concrete.
Quantity of cement to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio
Let’s proceed do the calculation:
● 1) Total dry volume of concrete mix required for 1m3 of concrete = 1.54m3,
● 2) Density of cement = 1440 kg/m3,
● 3) Weight of cement bag = 50kg
● 4) Total proportion = 1+2+3 = 6, so parts of cement in mix = 1/6,
● 5) Required cement quantity in m3 = 1.54×1/6 = 0.256 cubic metres.
● 6) Required cement quantity in kilograms = 0.256 m3 × 1440 kg/ m3 = 370kg,
● 7) Required cement quantity in bags = 370kg / 50kg = 7.4, round to 7.5 bags of cement.
You would need approximately 7.5 bags (0.246m3, or 370 kg) of 50kg cement to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio (1 cement : 2 sand : 3 aggregate), which yields 3000 Psi characteristics of compressive strength.
Quantity of sand to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio
Let’s proceed do the calculation:
● 1) Total dry volume of concrete mix required for 1m3 of concrete = 1.54m3,
● 2) Density of sand = 1600 kg/m3,
● 3) 1m3 of sand = 35.2 cubic foot of sand
● 4) Total proportion = 1+2+3 = 6, so parts of sand in mix = 2/6,
● 5) Required sand quantity in m3 = 1.54× 2/6 = 0.513 cubic metres.
● 6) Required sand quantity in kilograms = 0.513 m3 × 1,600 kg/ m3 = 822kg,
● 7) Required sand quantity in cubic feet = 0.513 × 35.2 = 18 cubic feet
You would need approximately 0.513m3 (822kg, or 18 cubic foot) of sand to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio (1 cement : 2 sand : 3 aggregate), which yields 3000 Psi characteristics of compressive strength.
Quantity of aggregate to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio
Let’s proceed do the calculation:
● 1) Total dry volume of concrete mix required for 1m3 of concrete = 1.54m3,
● 2) Density of sand = 1450 kg/m3,
● 3) 1m3 of sand = 35.2 cubic foot of sand
● 4) Total proportion = 1+2+3 = 6, so parts of aggregate in mix = 3/6,
● 5) Required aggregate quantity in m3 = 1.54× 3/6 = 0.77 cubic metres.
● 6) Required aggregate quantity in kilograms = 0.77 m3 × 1,450 kg/ m3 = 1,116kg,
● 7) Required aggregate quantity in cubic feet = 0.77 × 35.2 = 27 cubic feet
You would need approximately 0.77m3 (1116kg, or 27 cubic foot) of aggregate to make 1m3 of concrete with 1:2:3 mix ratio (1 cement : 2 sand : 3 aggregate), which yields 3000 Psi characteristics of compressive strength.
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◆ How many bags of cement to make 1m3 of concrete 1:4:8
◆ How much does 1m3 of cement weigh?
◆ How many bags of cement for 1m3 of concrete
◆ How many 50 kg bags of cement fit in a cubic meter?
With 1:2:3 mix ratio, you will need approximately 7.5 bags (370kg, or 0.246m3, or 8.69 cubic feet) of 50kg cement, 0.513m3 (822kg, or 18 cubic foot) of sand, 0.77m3 (1116kg, or 27 cubic foot) of aggregate to make 1m3 of concrete.