What size header for a 3′, 4′, 5′, 6′, 7′, 8′, 10′ & 12 foot span | what size header do i need for a 4 foot span | what size header do i need for a 3 foot span | header size for 3 foot (36″) opening | header size for 5 foot (60″) opening | header size for 6 foot (72″) opening | how far can a double 2×4 header span | how far can a double 2×6 header span | how far can a double 2×8 header span | how far can a double 2×10 header span | how far can a double 2×12 header span.
In the wooden frame structure providing a header to the opening of door or Window or garage door is important for everybody new home owner who are planning to install a header for house, what is the correct size you selecting that is ideal for your door opening? generally wall frame structure is provided with 2×4 or 2×6 wall that’s why you need width of header must be 3 1/2 inches wide for 2×4 wall construction. For 2×6 wall, you will need 5 1/2 inches wide header that are perfectly fits.

A header is a horizontal beam structure generally made of timber or LVL or Glulam beam that provided along the opening in full length for doorway, window, skylight or stairway. Wood header provide structural support in wood frame construction.
Typically header is provided at least twice size then any other surrounding members such as rafter purlin and stud. Most commonly used header size are double 2×4 (4×4), double 2×6 (4×6), double 2×8 (4×8), double 2×10 (4×10) and double 2×12 (4×12).
Header is often made of two joists, rafter or studs. It runs between full length supports and along its length and carry the load of shorter studs, joists or rafter that terminate at the opening.
The header along with trimmers helps to provide support, stability and strength to the top and side sections of the door frame. The header for a window & door is seems like a bridge that transferring the weight above it to the floor and foundation below.
Doors in a load-bearing wall that holds the weight of the house, created by beams and trusses, need a larger header than those in non-load-bearing walls. The header is usually made out of dimensional lumber installed on its edge. Calculating and know the size of the header depends on what the header needs to support.
Headers carry the weight of the structure above and transfer it to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Longer openings such as in garage require larger headers. Load bearing walls those that carry the weight of joists and trusses require larger headers than nonbearing wall.
The vertical pillars supporting each end of header are normally composed of 2x4s or 2x6s are called king studs and trimmers (or jack studs). In most wood frame dwellings, headers are made of dimensional lumber installed on edge. The king studs nailed into the end of each header and the trimmers that butt just under the header combine to create a sturdy vertical support column. Together the headers, king studs and trimmers act as a system that transfers weight from above, down and around the window and door openings to the floor and foundation below.
In this article you know about what size header do i need for a 3 foot, 4 foot, 5 foot, 6 foot, 7 foot, 8 foot, 10 foot & 12 foot span or opening that will help you in better understanding and to figure out or estimate of header size and their depth and help in important for you to use the right size header.
What size header for 3′, 4′, 5′, 6′, 7′, 8′, 10′ & 12 foot span
Calculating header size is complex as depending on many factors such as:- the length of the window or door opening, the combined weight of the floors, walls and roofs above, the building width, the snow load in the area, whether it’s a bearing wall where joists, trusses and rafters rest or a non-bearing wall to which joists, trusses and rafters run parallel, whether it’s an exterior or interior bearing wall and what species of wood you’re working with.
Rules of thumb for sizing headers: Measure the span in feet and add 2 to that number. The sum will be the height of your double header in inches. For example, if the span is 4 feet, add 2 to 4 for a sum of 6. Therefore, the header would need to be made from doubled 2x6s.
Measure the width of your wooden door frame. Most door frames that are 4 feet wide or less require a double 2-by-6 header or 4×6. Between 4 and 5 feet, the header should be built double 2×8 (2 inches wide and 8 inches thick) while a larger opening needs a header that is double 2-by-12. When in doubt, use double 2-by-12-inch headers.
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What size header for a 3 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 3 foot span of window or bathroom door or opening or less such as 30 inches, 32 inches, 24 inches opening, you will need double 2×4 or one 4×4 size header placed at top and one trimmer at both side of opening which are perfectly fits to 2×4 studs wall construction.
● What size header do i need for a garage door: (8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16 &18 foot)
Double 2×4 size or one 4×4 header is most suitable for 3 foot span or opening of 2×4 wall construction. Since many windows are in the width of 24″, 30″, 32″ and 36 inches, so double 2×4 size header is commonly used. Thus double 2×4 size header is needed for a 3 foot span or opening.
What size header for a 4 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 4 foot span, generally you will need double 2×6 or 4×6 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×6 or one 4×6 size header is most suitable for a 4 foot span or opening.
What size header for a 5 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 5 foot span, generally you will need double 2×8 or 4×8 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×8 or one 4×8 size header is most suitable for a 5 foot span or opening.
What size header for a 6 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 6 foot span, generally you will need double 2×10 or 4×10 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×10 or one 4×10 size header is most suitable for a 6 foot span or opening.
What size header for a 7 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 7 foot span, generally you will need double 2×12 or 4×12 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×12 or one 4×12 size header is most suitable for a 7 foot span or opening.
What size header for a 8 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 8 foot span or less, for a single story building generally you will need double 2×8 or 4×8 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×8 or one 4×8 size header is most suitable for a 8 foot or less span or opening of single story building.
What size header for a 10 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 10 foot span or less, for a single story building generally you will need double 2×10 or 4×10 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×10 or one 4×10 size header is most suitable for a 10 foot or less span or opening of single story building.
What size header for a 12 foot span
As per general rules and guidelines, for a 12 foot span or less, for a single story building generally you will need double 2×12 or 4×12 size of header at top of opening and two trimmer (jack studs) along both sides of opening which can safely transfer roof and ceiling load to the trimmers down to the floors and foundations below. Therefore, double 2×12 or one 4×12 size header is most suitable for a 12 foot or less span or opening of single story building.
How far can a 4×4 header span
As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a 4×4 header can span upto 4 feet. Thus, 4 feet is maximum allowable span for 4×4 size header. A double 2×4 or 4×4 size of header made of #2 grade of Douglas fir- larch can allow span upto 4 feet for one story building and upto 3 feet for 2 floor in load bearing exterior windows & door opening or interior wall when building width is no more than 20 feet wide. Thus, you can span a #2 Douglas fir- larch double 2×4 size header upto 3 feet far distance for door & window opening in load bearing wall.
How far can a 4×6 header span
As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a 4×6 header can span upto 6 feet. Thus, 6 feet is maximum allowable span for 4×6 size header. A double 2×6 or 4×6 size of header made of #2 grade of Douglas fir- larch can allow span upto 4.5 feet for one floor building and upto 3 feet for 2 floor in load bearing exterior windows & door opening.
How far can a 4×8 header span
As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a 4×8 header can span upto 8 feet. Thus, 8 feet is maximum allowable span for 4×8 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 8 foot, you needed 4×8 size header. 4×8 size header is needed for a 8 foot span or opening.
◆ What size floor joist to span 10′, 12′, 15′, 16′, 18′, 20′, 24′ & 25 feet
How far can a 4×10 header span
As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a 4×10 header can span upto 10 feet. Thus, 10 feet is maximum allowable span for 4×10 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 10 foot, you needed 4×10 size header. 4×10 size header is needed for a 10 foot span or opening.
How far can a 4×12 header span
As per general rules and guidelines, nominal size of a 4×12 header can span upto 12 feet. Thus, 12 feet is maximum allowable span for 4×12 size header. Therefore, for a span upto 12 foot, you needed 4×12 size header. 4×12 size header is needed for a 12 foot span or opening.
As per general rules and guidelines, generally you need double 2×4 size of header and one trimmer for 3 foot span or opening, double 2×6 & two trimmer for 4 foot, double 2×8 for 5 foot, double 2×10 for 6 foot & double 2×12 for 7 foot span.